09 novembro 2016

Comidinhas de Natal Inspiração

 E ai gente, pensando  ja  como  decorar as mesas de natal, com as comidinhas,
 meninas,  encontrei  aqui na net,
 tantas inspiração maravilhosa de como ta decorando  a mesa na ceia de natal ,
 Da para ta brincando  com as comidas, deixando  uma mesa bem decorada,  e super top.
 separei algumas das inspirações que  achei maravilhoso, para ta fazendo, super facil,
 vamos  conferir,,,,
 Strawberry Santas! Here's a cool idea for the kids at Christmas: little Father Christmases made with whipped cream and fresh strawberries (still in season in South Africa!):
#DIY Dessert table at Christmas! If you have lots of kids for your holiday get together this is the perfect project to keep them entertained.:

Handmade Pride : Photo:



Christmas Tree Vegetable Platter ~ A broccoli and tomato "tree" with a pretzel "trunk" and cauliflower "snow" makes for a memorable and easy Christmas appetizer!                                                                                                                                                      More:

Brownie Christmas Trees by One Little Project and other great Christmas desserts:

Gingerbread Christmas Tree-Christmas Cookies Recipes:

veggie wreath:
 adorei essas dicas de inspiração,  beijos lindas,  ate o proximo post.

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